Take a look at our map below and find the local groups that are closest to you, and their contact details, so that you can get involved in your community.
At the heart of our movement is our network of local groups who take to the streets regularly to embed our campaigns in communities across the UK. You can find your local group using the map below.
When you have finished using the map you can either continue browsing the Grassroots Hub, to hear more about our local groups, or you can click the European Movement logo at the top of the screen to return to the main European Movement website.
The map should be displayed above this line. If it does not display for you then please make sure you have accepted cookies on the European Movement site and Grassroots Hub, as the map requires cookies to operate.
Simply use the search bar located at the top of the map to enter your postcode, town, district, borough, or county. Once you have entered the search term, simply wait a few seconds and then click the result that most closely resembles what you were searching for.
The location that you were searching for should then be highlighted, along with any groups that are local to you. If you don't find a group local to you then e-mail [email protected] and we will be happy to help.